Sezai Göksu

Sürmeli kumkuşu » Broad-billed Sandpiper

Taxonomy: animalia/chordata/aves/charadriiformes/scolopacidae/calidris
Scientific name: Calidris falcinellus/Limicola falcinellus
Authority: Pontoppidan, 1763

“The Broad-billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus breeds in northern Scandinavia and northern Russia. The main wintering grounds of the western subspecies L f falcinellus spreads between the Red Sea and Sri Lanka, while the eastern subspecies L f sibirica winters in southeast Asia and Australia (Glutz von Blotzheim et al 1975, Cramp & Simmons 1983). Little is known about the migration routes or strategies of this species. In general, the western subspecies migrates south to southeast overland from its north European breeding grounds. The most important stop-over sites are the mudflats and saltmarshes of the northern Black Sea coasts at the base of the Crimea Peninsula (Sivash), where up to 6,000-7,500 birds have been recorded in spring and up to 2,700 in autumn (Chernichko et al 2001).”  Benim tahminim, Alaçatı’ya gelenler Finlandiya’nın kuzeyinden kalkıp Orta Avrupa’yı katederek Riyad ve Dubai kıyılarına inenler, bunlar Alaçatı’ya Ağustos ortası varıp Eylül başı gibi terk ediyorlar, yani demem o ki, bu güzelle buluşmaya az kaldı, ama şunu belirtelim; Alaçatı bunların ne üreme alanı ne de kışlama alanı, kışlama alanlarına inerken birkaç gün dinlenip beslendikleri bir alan, yani o sulak alanı koruyamazsak ne gelen olur ne de giden.

Not: 18 Ağustos 2019 tarihinde geldiler :))

Kaynak:  Włodzimierz Meissner (2005) Autumn migration of the Broad‐billed Sandpiper Limicola falcinellus on the southern Baltic Coast, Ringing & Migration, 22:3, 171-176, DOI: 10.1080/03078698.2005.9674328


Tv (Shutter Speed) 1/1250
Av (Aperture Value) 7.1
Exposure Compensation -0.33
ISO Speed 200
Image Size 1920x1080

Çeşme, İzmir
2 Eylül 2017